Beauty Truly Blooms at Sunset at the Palms

Sunset at the Palms has managed to set itself apart from other all-inclusive properties throughout the island by preserving and presenting Jamaica’s connection to nature.

And, although we have one of the most stunning beaches in Negril, guest rooms are, in fact, surrounded by trees and flowers which beckon to birds and butterflies and bring an added level of serenity and beauty to the entire property.

Our grounds-keeping crew, which consists of eight humans and one young goat named Betty, work hard at keeping the hotel’s 20 acres pristine. They love showing off their work on weekly nature tours that highlight Jamaica’s native flora and fauna. Right now, that flora is in full and majestic bloom – but there’s not a bad time of year to appreciate the beauty of the resort’s landscaping.

At the start of summer, blooms include ginger in several varieties – torch, spiral, red, white and pink – as well as species whose names tell you exactly what they look like: banana or chain link heliconia, lobster claw and red shrimp. Many come in the brilliant hues of red and yellow, though there are plenty of pinks and whites to add some cheerful but more subdued colors to the mix.

Thanks to the presence of so many flowers, Sunset at the Palms is a haven for countless species of hummingbird, including the swallow-tail hummingbird, which is locally known as the “doctor bird.” There are 320 types of hummingbirds, but the iridescent doctor bird can only be found in Jamaica and has therefore fluttered its way into the hearts of locals and visitors alike – and onto Jamaican stamps as the island’s official bird and one of just six national symbols.

Guests can see all this and more on those weekly nature walks, which focus not only on the beauty but also the practicality of the plants here. Some are used for food (callaloo), others transform into drinking cups and jewelry (bamboo), some have medicinal properties (acalypha), and still others ward off mosquitos (lemongrass).

Visitors taking a midnight stroll on the grounds – perhaps after enjoying a great meal and the nightly entertainment – can catch a glimpse of jasmine, which only blooms at night. Conversely, early-risers who are eager to welcome a day of fun and relaxation may encounter the grounds-keeping crew, which is on the scene by 6 a.m., sweeping the walkways with huge palm fronds.

It’s called Sunset at the Palms, but that doesn’t mean that sunrise isn’t an equally stunning time to appreciate the palm trees – and all the natural wonders at this award-winning resort.


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